Mission Statement:
To maintain the highest levels of professionalism, integrity, honesty and fairness in our relationships with our suppliers, subcontractors, professional associates and customers. Outstanding customer service. To ensure the longevity of our company through repeat and referral business achieved by customer satisfaction in all areas including timeliness, attention to detail and service-minded attitudes. a Exceptional performance for our customers and the highest level of quality construction services at fair and market competitive prices.
Our Vision:
To create a culture within our company that will, in turn, create quality-minded employees and then top-quality performance. By integrating our total quality process throughout our firm, we will become the premier provider of construction services. By continuously improving our performance, we will work to provide our customers with outstanding project performance. We will gain distinction through quality. Our customers can be assured RUSH Construction, Inc. will put the systems in place to allow continuous quality improvement. Our officers and all our employees are wholly committed to seeing that this total quality process is successful. Each employee needs to understand and to become involved. Each employee wants to do a better job. This process will afford our employees that opportunity.
Our Goals Focus on Our Customers:
Our primary goal is to satisfy our customers. Accompanying this primary goal is a primary benefit: by delivering a service that satisfies the first time, every time, costs go down and efficiency goes up. It simply costs less to “do it right” than to correct the problem or defect later. Satisfied customers are more likely to become repeat customers. Continuously Improve the System: Every organization has room for improvement. Each of us is responsible for delivering and receiving services. Our customers are people who buy our services. Our project partners (the subcontractor and material supplier) interact and provide service to each other. We will ensure the best use of scarce resources. We will make the best use of our best assets: RUSH Construction employees.