RUSH Construction, Inc. is proud to announce that the company has once again achieved Diamond Level in the Associated Builders and Contractor’s STEP Safety Management System. Founded in 1989, STEP participation demonstrates safety leadership and a cultural commitment to safety performance.
STEP applicants measure their safety processes and policies on 25 key components through a detailed questionnaire with the goal of implementing or enhancing safety programs that reduce jobsite incidents. In order to qualify for the Diamond Level, RUSH Construction’s safety data had to meet rigorous requirements, including our Total Recordable Incident Rate falling at least 50% below our NAICS code average, and an EMR (Experience Modification Rate) of 0.7 or less.
“This award is a testament to the dedication of our entire staff to getting the job done safely,” says Shawn Lucas, Safety Director at RUSH Construction, Inc. “The last few years have been challenging with the rapid growth we’ve experienced, but our core group of field personnel ensure that new people brought in are quickly taught how to safely perform their jobs and are immediately brought up to speed on our expectations for jobsite safety.”

RUSH Construction’s award winning safety program is comprehensive and includes a corporate commitment to safety, written plan and procedures, performance incentives, training, as well as membership and participation in safety-related organizations. We employ a full-time safety and quality control director, and all of RUSH’s Field Supervision hold a current OSHA 30 Hour Certificate, and numerous Construction Health and Safety Certifications and Competent Person Training Cards.
“An industry-wide commitment to total human health is essential to ensure both the physical and mental health and safety of our workforce,” said Greg Sizemore, ABC vice president of health, safety, environment and workforce development. “As a STEP participant, RUSH Construction leadership has demonstrated a commitment to create the conditions for all to do their work without incident. By implementing proactive safety measures, such as emergency preparedness plans and a sound personal protective equipment policy, RUSH Construction is committed to consistently raising the bar when it comes to safety performance.”
According to ABC’s annual Safety Performance Report, applying STEP processes dramatically improves safety performance among participants regardless of company size or type of work, and can reduce recordable incidents up to 88%, making the best performing companies 827% safer than the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics industry average. Ratings range from Diamond, the highest, to Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Participant.
To learn more about the STEP program, visit