On Thursday, March 24, RUSH Marine joined Port Canaveral leaders and about 75 federal, state, municipal, military, and business officials for a ceremonial groundbreaking of the North Cargo Berth 3 Rehabilitation and Modernization project for Canaveral Port Authority. This project is a critical component of the Port’s expansion of its facilities to accommodate a growing and increasingly diverse cargo business portfolio.
Valued at $48M, the North Cargo Berth 3 Rehabilitation and Modernization (NCB 3) project began with demolition of the existing open pile pier and adjacent steel sheet pile wall system pile, followed by the construction of a new approximately 882-foot-long deep combi-wall bulkhead berth with a pipe pile supported reinforced concrete relieving platform landslide of the new berth wall. The project also includes installation of cell fenders, bollards, shoreside and waterside mooring dolphins, earthwork and paving, a stormwater conveyance system, potable water and force main wastewater utilities, a high mast lighting system, fencing, and approximately 105,500 cubic yards of dredging with offshore disposal.
Port Canaveral officials say the project will help the port remain competitive in the global marketplace, in turn, supporting economic prosperity for the region. Read the Full Story in Florida Today.