In September 2021, RUSH Marine, LLC was awarded the North Cargo Berth 3 Rehabilitation and Modernization (NCB3) project for the Canaveral Port Authority. Valued at $48M, the project is a critical component of the Port’s expansion of its facilities to accommodate a growing and increasingly diverse cargo business portfolio. Work on the project has been underway since September last year and an official groundbreaking ceremony was recently held at the project site on March 24, 2022.
The North Cargo Berth 3 Rehabilitation and Modernization project includes the demolition of the existing open pile pier and adjacent steel sheet pile and concrete sheet pile wall systems, followed by the construction of a new 882-foot-long deep combi-wall bulkhead berth with a 42” diameter A-Frame pipe pile tieback structure. An 18” square prestressed concrete pile-supported and reinforced concrete relieving platform landslide of the new berth wall will also be installed, along with mooring fixtures to include cell fenders, 150-ton bollards, shoreside and 84” diameter waterside mooring dolphins, earthwork and paving. Additionally, a stormwater conveyance system, potable water and force main wastewater utilities, high mast lighting system, fencing, and approximately 105,500 cubic yards of dredging with offshore disposal will be installed. The completion date for this project is estimated for April 2023.
“We’d like to thank all of our subcontractors, vendors, and suppliers. These firms have been able to offer the most competitive pricing, producing and manufacturing all of the necessary permanent materials in compliance with the Buy America Act that’s required on this contract,” said Tony Landry, President, RUSH Marine, LLC. “We were excited and humbled to have made it through the step one process for this project, and been given the opportunity to proceed with step two and submit our competitive bid. RUSH Marine was the lowest responsive and compliant bidder. This is important to our team given the fact that we are a local small business here in Brevard County. We are excited about our partnership with the Canaveral Port Authority on this very important project here in Brevard County.”
A few other projects that RUSH Marine has recently completed at Port Canaveral include the Cruise Terminal 3 Marine Works project which was a $38.6 million cruise terminal constructed to house the Carnival Mardi Gras Ship. The CT8 and CT10 Waterside Modifications was a $5,269,580.00 contract to upgrade the berthing facility for docking ships from Disney, Norwegian, and MSC Cruise Lines. The CT5 Rehabilitation and Modernization project was valued at $2,258,744.00 and consisted of installing additional dolphin structures, gangways, etc., and is now being utilized by the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line for its ships.
“Almost 50% of our firm’s 100 employees are assigned to this project in some capacity, and the overwhelming majority of them live in the Central or North portions of Brevard County, meaning that we live here, we shop here, we frequently visit restaurants in this area, and we raise our families here,” said RUSH President & CEO William Chivers. “This manpower will represent $7M in wages paid primarily to workers that reside here in our community, and since RUSH Marine is self-performing 80-90% of the on-site work with our own forces, the bulk of those wages will remain right here in Brevard.”